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Welcome to Tribeca Pediatrics!

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  • 1.First create a portal account here.
  • 2.After that, you can register your baby before they are born.
  • 3.Please use the baby's due date as the date of birth, and you're all set.
  • 4.When your baby is born, give us a call and we will update their birthday, and schedule their first visit. We always save space on the schedule for newborns.

See you soon!



  • 1.First create a portal account here.
  • 2.After that, you can register your child(ren) for the practice.
  • 3.As soon as your child(ren) are registered, you will be able to schedule a visit.

See you soon!


Existing Patient

  • 1.First create a portal account here so that you can access your child's information and schedule visits.
  • 2.Your information will be matched against the patient's record for verification purposes.

See you soon!